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Quantum Energy Teleportation Protocol

By Resonance Science Foundation scientists Dr. Inés Urdaneta & William Brown

It has been widely proven that the information of quantum states can be transported to remote locations through quantum teleportation. As such, it is well established that information states can be effectively teleported between two quantum systems, but what about other properties, like energy? Now, recent experiments have directly demonstrated the teleportation of energy by utilizing the spatial entanglement of quantum vacuum zero-point energy fluctuations. In addition to being a direct demonstration of the ability to leverage the intrinsic entanglement state of the quantum vacuum to teleport energy, the protocols have potential applications in a wide variety of quantum devices and quantum information technologies, like entanglement harvesting, considerations of the parallel of quantum energy teleportation with wormhole-qubit teleportation (ER = EPR), understanding quantum...

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Traversable Wormhole Teleportation Protocol

Physicists Utilize the Holographic Correspondence Conjecture to Describe Quantum Teleportation of Qubits Via a Traversable Wormhole Spacetime Geometry: researchers have begun testing a quantum gravity theory by employing the entanglement states achievable within quantum computers. In a recent experiment, a research team used Google’s Sycamore quantum computer to test the teleportation of nine qubits to see if the quintessentially quantum mechanical process could produce the same signal as if the qubits had traversed through a micro-wormhole. As reported in the journal Nature, the research team provides the data that they say confirms the holographic correspondence between quantum teleportation and traversing through a microscopic spacetime Einstein-Rosen bridge (also known as a wormhole), indicating that gravitation is operational at the scale of particle interactions, and spacetime geometry may underlie quantum mechanics.

By RSF scientists Dr. Inés Urdaneta...

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Research Team Demonstrates Nonlinear Two-Level Coupling of Quantum Time Crystals

By: William Brown, Biophysicist at the Resonance Science Foundation

We first reported on the break-through observation of a time crystal in our article Time Crystals – A New Phase of Matter. Now, in the next major development, the same team who generated the new phase of matter have created the first time-crystal two-body system in an experiment that seems to bend the laws of physics.

As the name would imply, a time crystal is not an easy system to prepare and experiment with. Perpetual ground state motion in equilibrium defines a time crystal, however observing such motion is famously unfeasible, because experimentally a time crystal only achieves stability if it is isolated from the environment and the observer— shielding the pure quantum state of the system from decoherence— where either the perpetuity or equilibrium requirements can be “bent”. Much like the quantum mechanical bit, or qubit, coupling separate quantum time crystals while...

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Experiment Shows Possibility of Using Multicellular Organism the Tardigrade in Probing Macroscopic Quantum States

Tardigrade revived after most inhospitable conditions yet documented for the meiofauna organism, setting a record for the conditions under which a complex form of life can survive.

By: William Brown, Biophysicist at the Resonance Science Foundation

A new study has claimed to have taken a tardigrade— a microscopic multicellular organism known to tolerate extreme physiochemical conditions via a latent state of life known as cryptobiosis—and prepared it in a type of superconducting Josephson junction known as a transmission line shunted plasma oscillation qubit, or transmon for short, causing the tardigrade (in the suspended cryptobiosis state) to purportedly become entangled in the qubit system.

Figure from: K. S. Lee et al., “Entanglement between superconducting qubits and a tardigrade,” arXiv:2112.07978 [physics, physics:quant-ph], Dec. 2021, Accessed: Jan. 03, 2022. [Online]. Available:

When the suspended tardigrade was...

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