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More Evidence of Quantum Behavior at Biological Scale: Proton Tunneling in DNA

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science Foundation

Former RSF articles had addressed quantum effects that have been observed in biology, more precisely, in the microtubules, giving plausible support to the fact that biology, just as consciousness, could have a quantum origin.   

Now, a paper published in the journal Communications Physics, entitled An open quantum systems approach to proton tunnelling in DNA,  is shedding light on the physical mechanisms that might cause the protons to jump across between the DNA strands.

The DNA strands usually depicted as two double helices, are composed of molecules named nucleotides, which organize in two strains to form each of the helices, as depicted below:


Figure 1: DNA strands composed of nucleotides or molecules Thymine (T), Adenine (A), Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C), which organize creating a double helix. Image source : 


To study such proton transfer, the authors analyzed...

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Experiment Shows Possibility of Using Multicellular Organism the Tardigrade in Probing Macroscopic Quantum States

Tardigrade revived after most inhospitable conditions yet documented for the meiofauna organism, setting a record for the conditions under which a complex form of life can survive.

By: William Brown, Biophysicist at the Resonance Science Foundation

A new study has claimed to have taken a tardigrade— a microscopic multicellular organism known to tolerate extreme physiochemical conditions via a latent state of life known as cryptobiosis—and prepared it in a type of superconducting Josephson junction known as a transmission line shunted plasma oscillation qubit, or transmon for short, causing the tardigrade (in the suspended cryptobiosis state) to purportedly become entangled in the qubit system.

Figure from: K. S. Lee et al., “Entanglement between superconducting qubits and a tardigrade,” arXiv:2112.07978 [physics, physics:quant-ph], Dec. 2021, Accessed: Jan. 03, 2022. [Online]. Available:

When the suspended tardigrade was...

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