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Galactic Filaments Trace out Spacememory Network Around Sagittarius A*

By: William Brown, scientist at the Resonance Science Foundation

Recent observations of thermal molecular filaments aligned radially and horizontally in the galactic plane and emanating from the central supermassive black hole— Sagittarius A*— reveal the underlying hydrodynamic ordering structure of the spacememory network and the relationship geometry of the spacememory architecture to the black hole magnetohydrodynamics at the Galactic Nucleus. 

Hundreds of strange filaments twist through the Galaxy’s center

The center of our galaxy is full of myriad radially ordered twisted filaments of hot plasma, which may have formed due to an extensive collimated outflow of energy from Sagittarius A* along the galactic plane. New work has revealed in exquisite detail many of the characteristics of this newly discovered population of Galactic Center Filaments, although many intriguing questions remain about their formation and ordered alignment.

Two populations of...

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