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Electromics – The Double-Aspect of Life

Article by Johanna Deinert, Resonance Science Foundation Research Scientist

Biologist Dr. Daniel Fels recently published an essay in Biology on the interaction of matter and the so-called bioelectricity as a functional unity for regulation of living cells. The editor of the scientific textbook “Fields of the Cell” summarizes evidence of bioelectricity. He discusses interactions of internal bioelectricity with internal biochemical structures, as well as the sensitivity of Biosystems to external physical factors.

Fels explains “bioelectricity is generated by electrical charges of ions and molecules in an aqueous environment. Ions and oscillations of charged molecules as well as chemical reactions lead to electrical currents and electrostatic and electrodynamic fields.” This is very basic in biological systems and differs from the bio-photon discussion. Every heartbeat, nervous excitation or muscle contraction is physiologically based on charge and gradient over a membrane barrier. We can see that in multiple medical diagnostic tools like the electrocardiogram, the electroencephalogram or the electromyogram with wide-spread application. The awareness however, that our bodies multi-cellular community is not only producing these electrical signals as side effect, but relies on it for signaling and non-chemical regulatory reasons, is not yet present in most medical professionals.

“Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) play essential roles in cell dynamics and are associated with the material aspect of the cell as is the gravitational field associated with mass […] Cell-internal EMFs exist to a much larger extent than has been described in text-books so far. Enough evidence has been accumulated to motivate studying more of their functionality. Yet, we cannot understand them only by applying what we understand so far from a purely molecule-based interpretation of life as EMFs are non-local, weightless, and transmit at much higher speed than diffusing molecules. But cell-matter and cell-EMFs are non-separable, and they are suggested to be understood as a unit that co-evolves, referred here as the double-aspect of life.” Dr. Daniel Fels

From his experiments on population growth regulation communicated across a quartz barrier in single cell organisms (Parametia), he proposes the non-material information of bioelectrical states to be just as inheritable from generation to generation as is the material genetic code itself.

At the 13th international science conference on Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, Fels presented his experimental findings in growth regulation of Parametia, which can be viewed in the Live-stream here (from 2h14m). The basic assumption of this biological research – the matter of life induces fields and these fields feed-back on matter – as simple as it may sound, not only supports a new paradigm in biology, but is very well in line with the work present here at the RSF.

Author: Dr. Johanna Deinert, MD, RSF Research Scientist


Open Access Book: Fields of the Cell

Pictures: Title Paramecia Aurelia Wikipedia, Figure 1 from linked Research article

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