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The Proton Radius Prediction and Gravitational Control

Article by Resonance Science Foundation Research Scientists

On December 20th 2012, Director of Research of Resonance Science Foundation, Nassim Haramein, registered a copyright at the Library of Congress for his paper Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass (QGHM), which was eventually published in the peer-reviewed journal Physical Review & Research International.

In his manuscript, Haramein utilized Planck spherical units (PSU) to describe the holographic vacuum fluctuations and extremely accurately predict the charge radius of the proton (the radius of the proton is typically more accurately described as the charge radius because all we can say about the proton is that there is a concentration of positive charge in that region of space which defines what we would think of as the surface of the proton). Shortly after Haramein’s submission of his paper to the Library of Congress, on January 25th 2013 a new muonic measurement of the proton was made which agreed with Haramein’s prediction extremely well (within 0.000366 x 10-13cm of the measured value), as the prediction is inside one standard deviation of the experiment, or loosely speaking within the margin of error of the experiment. Therefore, Haramein’s value, extrapolated from precise theoretical tenets, may be the exact value and experiments are now approaching the resolution necessary to arrive to it. On February 1st 2013, Haramein submitted another manuscript for copyright to the Library of Congress to report on the confirmation of the prediction, called Addendum to “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” in View of the 2013 Muonic Proton Charge Radius Measurement (click here to search US Copyright website), but this paper was never published. We are now making this short paper available here.

Why is the Prediction so Precise?

Haramein’s prediction of the charge radius of the proton is extremely precise because it utilizes the smallest units of measurement one could ever use, the Planck scale (the smaller your measuring increments, the more precise is your value), which is billions of times smaller than the proton itself. So if Haramein’s theory and scientific findings are correct, as current research evidence is clearly demonstrating, the proton that makes up matter is essentially an agglomeration of Planck vacuum electromagnetic charge fluctuations co-moving or spinning in a region of space which we identify as a particle at the quantum level or as an astrophysical black hole, centering a galaxy for instance, at the cosmological level. What we are finally coming to understand is that the material world we observe all around us, and even what makes up our own body, is but the dynamics of the electromagnetic vacuum structure itself, and that by using Planck scale physics we can precisely understand it and define it.

Why is the Proton Radius Important?


Since the 2013 muonic measurement of the proton occurred, the little particle has taken international attention by storm. Many popular scientific publications feature the proton radius problem on the cover of their magazines. For instance, the cover of the July 2013 New Scientist issue read Tiny Particle Big Problem: The Humble Proton is Nothing Like We Expected. More recently, the cover of the February 2014 issue of Scientific American read The Proton Problem: Could Scientist Be Seeing Signs of a Whole New Realm of Physics? An article was also published by the Max Planck Society describing some of the issues that a smaller proton radius than the one predicted by the standard model would create, in an article entitled “Physics Has a Core Problem” that can be read here. So why all this attention on the radius of the proton all of a sudden? Because the latest measurement clearly demonstrates that the proton radius is significantly smaller than what is predicted by the standard model and as a result, the proton being a fundamental constituent of the atom, this new measurement threatens to upend the standard model and demand a revision of many of the assumptions of quantum theory. Therefore, the fact that Haramein utilizes Planck vacuum fluctuations to predict an incredibly accurate value for the charge radius of the proton is extremely significant to physical theory. However, even more noteworthy is that Haramein in the same swoop solves the quantum gravity issue (the fact that gravity does not fit well at the quantum scale) by demonstrating that both cosmological gravitation can be described in terms of Planck vacuum fluctuations and that the strong force that binds the protons together is that very same force acting on them, producing a unified view of physics. These are non-trivial results that are currently slowly trickling into the mainstream awareness despite a certain level of censorship. It is never easy to change the driving fundamental assumptions of a predominant worldview.

Are There Technological Applications to This New Universal Worldview?

Patent Figure 2

Of course a fundamental change in our understanding of the structure of spacetime at the quantum scale and the identification of the vacuum fluctuations being the source of gravitation, mass, and charge will have a profound impact on technological developments of the future. One can certainly imagine systems that, in a laboratory setting, would create co-moving coherent spinning regions of the Planck vacuum fluctuations and as a result create a depression or curvature in the structure of space to obtain gravitational control, the extraction of significant amounts of energy, and even the possibility of matter creation directly out of the vacuum. You may think of this as far-fetched or that it may be possible in a very far future, but one should consider that we are already able to extract electromagnetic photons directly out of the vacuum fluctuations utilizing the dynamical Casmir Effect (for popular articles see New Scientist and Physics World). Now consider that physicists have recently found a path forward to complete Gregory Breit and John Archibald Wheeler’s (colleague of Einstein) 1934 dream of creating matter out of photons. All of a sudden the concept of matter creation out of vacuum fluctuations doesn’t seem so extravagant. Furthermore, one should consider the original Casmir Experiment (which is easier to visualize), where two plates are placed in close proximity (microns apart) so that a small density gradient is created in the vacuum structure between the long wavelengths of the vacuum which cannot enter between the plates, and the short wavelengths which are present between the plates resulting in the plates being pushed together. What if, instead of creating a gradient from the linear relationship of two plates, we created a high-density gradient between the center and the edge of spinning plasma, a little bit like the density gradient that results in hurricanes or tornadoes in the atmosphere of the earth or when you pull the plug in your bathtub and all of a sudden your rubber ducky starts orbiting.


Basically, we would be reproducing the dynamics we observe in galactic structures, quasars, or even the plasma dynamics of the sun in a laboratory setting. Haramein conceived of this possibility some 20 years ago and eventually received patents for an initial design of a technology that could conceivably produce the suitable gradient. The patent was appropriately titled, “Device and Method for Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamics US 8073094 B2” and we are making it easily available on our website here. Haramein is not the only one thinking about utilizing the vacuum energy fluctuations to warp spacetime and generate gravitational effects. Harold Sonny White, an engineer at NASA's Advanced Propulsion Physics Laboratory and director of Eagleworks at the Johnson Space Center, received significant press in the last few years regarding NASA’s investigation of the possibility of producing a faster-than-light space warp drive to travel to the stars by using the virtual particle vacuum fluctuation’s energy potential (see popular articles here and here and Dr. White’s paper here and here). Although White demonstrates that by employing a toroidal topology he can reduce significantly the amount of energy necessary to produce the warp bubble, which would be unmanageable utilizing standard approaches, a certain amount of controversy has arisen due to the unclear nature of the method for the extraction of the so-called “negative energy” (vacuum energy) to do the job. Of course, in the framework of the standard models of physics, such possibilities seem improbable if not completely impossible. Therefore, even in the context of an agency such as NASA, these pioneer efforts are extremely poorly acknowledged, and typically the subject of wide-spread criticism and ridicule. Yet, the investigation of the vacuum structure and our capacity to interact with it to create significant specific effects such as gravitational control and energy extraction, is most likely one of the more crucial evolutionary steps a society of our level of development must achieve. Haramein’s findings of the fundamental physics driving gravitational effects from the cosmological scale to the quantum scale and its implication to the understanding of the source of mass and charge is a critical step towards that goal.


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